Friday, September 26, 2008

The Great Schlep

Want Barack To Win? Have Jewish Grandparents? Join The Great Schlep! Sarah Silverman explains how Florida might make or break the election...

The video is sponsored by the Jewish Council For Education & Research. Here is the mission statement of support for The Great Schlep:
TheGreatSchlep will focus on encouraging young Jews to visit their grandparents in Florida during the Columbus Day weekend. Each will bring a set of tools made available through to help facilitate conversations about the election. This will allow "virtual Schleps" to occur over the course of the election cycle. Users will be able to send Bubbie and Zadie video-grams and sign pledges to call their grandparents frequently during an Obama administration, among other innovative outreach mechanisms. is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to introduce into the political process young, mostly un-affiliated Jews, as Jews.

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