Monday, January 26, 2009

American Cooking Team Could Be Contest Winner

The New York Times reports that the American team in the famed 2-day Bocuse D'or cooking competition has a good chance of winning this year's biennial contest for the first time ever.

The Times reports, "The contest follows rigorous rules. Contestants must prepare 12 portions of both a meat and a fish dish in 5 hours and 35 minutes in small, identical, kitchen cubicles with picture windows that face an audience of more than 1,000 cheering, flag-waving, bell-ringing, foot-stomping, anthem-singing spectators."

Talk about pressure!

The American entrant, a sous-chef in the famous French Laundry restaurant in Napa Valley named Timothy Hollingsworth, never attended cooking school and has been training 40-50 hours a week for the past three months. He is being assisted by a 22-year-old female apprentice.

Go team go!

[The full article can be found here]

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