Monday, November 23, 2009

Sarah's Birthday Timez

For Sarah's Golden and Rose Birthday (21st birthday and it was nov. 21st) we went to town on the food front. We had a vegan curried carrot dip by Ali Lillehei:

Collards and Kale by Ali Burstein:
Roasted yams with lime, cinnamon and chili pepper and sweet noodle kugel by me with special help from Sarah, Barbara, Ali Ordman and two little red heads:)
And wonderful baked salmon by Jen, making the plate look like this!For desert, I baked my favorite birthday cake, banana cake with cream cheese frosting and a chocolate peanut-butter ganache in the middle. Ali Ordman BLINGED it out- and appropriately so for Sarah, a Jewish (chocolate gelt) 21-year old (rose) celebrating her (golden) birthday!
All in a day's work. Do I go to college??

1 comment:

David Liebschutz said...

Can I get someone to come to Albany and present me a cake on my birthday tomorrow?

Jen's dad